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What is your life process?

Do you have a life process? Or life processes? Some will answer an emphatic “Yes” to this question and others will answer with a counter-question: “What planet are you on asking me if I have a life process?” You may not have documented it but we all have a life process. For most, their life […]

Sell in May and Go Away…….. or ………Buy in May and Make Hay?

My attention was drawn to an article in The Age (also published in other Fairfax newspapers) on 23 April, entitled “Time to let go: selling in May could be a winning strategy” written by ATAA member Alan Clement. The “Sell in May and Go Away” subject comes up around this time of every year with […]

Position Size Calculation – Part 4

The facts about managing your portfolio to beat the market A few weeks back, an avid reader of the Gary Stone Journal posted a number of questions that, in essence, needed to be answered by all active investors. So over the past 3 weeks I have done just that. This fourth post brings an end […]

Position Size Calculation – Part 3

In this series of posts on position sizing using the Percent Risk per Trade model, this week I will explain how to use a more scientific approach to determine what Stop Loss to use to determine the Dollar Risk per Share or the Trade Risk. The objective is to overcome the problems highlighted in last […]

Position Size Calculation – Part 2

In last week’s posting I covered the steps for calculating the position size for a trade using the Percent Risk per Trade model. This week I will deal with the problems presented in that calculation with determining where the Stop Loss is placed for a trade. Typically, a technical analysis technique of some sort is […]

Position Size Calculation – Part 1

This Journal posting and the next couple will be devoted to answering these specific questions posed by Simon to my 27th March journal post with the key questions repeated below: “It appears that the definition of the level of risk, both trade risk and portfolio risk, is central to adopting a robust and reliable […]

Active Investor e-Newsletter

Gary’s Comments Most equity markets around the world have suffered a half-decent retracement over the last 3 weeks, except the DJIA, S&P500 and NASDAQ which have only really tracked sideways. Despite this retracement most equity indices around the world are still enjoying long term Up trends, as shown in the table below. The retracement was overdue and hence welcomed. […]

The 6% Rule

This week’s journal posting is a response to a comment by ‘fastbucks’ last week when the following question was posed: “Another related rule is the 6% rule, i.e. you cannot have a total risk in your positions at any one time greater than 6%. I don’t suppose you have any comments on that?” The 6% […]

Busting the Myth of the 2% rule

The art of trading is not about winning as much as it is about not losing. Like a business needs to control its costs, a trader needs to be able to minimise and withstand losses so that they are ready and able to take advantage of profitable opportunities. This comes down to managing risk at […]

When will the Small Resources join the party?

The chart below is a Base Reference Comparison between 3 indices: The main weekly chart is the ASX Small Resources Index ($XSR). The green line is the ASX20 Index ($XTL). The blue line is the All Ordinaries Index ($XAO). The base reference start date is the 3rd January, 2000 meaning that all three indices start […]