“Workers ripped off” Herald Sun article May 29, 2018

Readers of my book, Blueprint to Wealth: Financial Freedom in 15 Minutes a Week, and followers of my blog writings over the years will be well aware of this latest revelation from the Productivity Commission in the article below. Whilst my view is that it is years late, maybe decades, it is better late than […]
Is the Retracement done?

Two days ago we sent out an email regarding the recent state of the markets and the volatility they’ve experienced.
The Retracement is Here! Is this the end of the 8.9 year Bull Market or is there much more Upside?
So the markets are falling! This is not 2008, 2000 – 2002 or 1987, so remain cool, calm and collected.
Retirement Savings – Why Australians need to be saving their money
The idea of retirement is back-of-mind for nearly all parents…
[Facebook] Overdosing on diversification and being fleeced with fees
Super lift for unions – Industry funds’ $50m boost
[Facebook] Is your employer sponsored 401(k) a wolf disguised in sheep’s clothing?
Sweat the Big Stuff… first
For the last twenty-four years’ or so I have moved in the circles of people who trade the financial markets. People who trade all sorts of instruments in all sorts of timeframes on all sorts of platforms. People on all sides of the financial markets spectrum, people who analyse, trade, advise, report and study the […]
Core Satellite Investing Approach
The Core Satellite investing approach provides a framework for investors to allocate their investments across different asset classes, investing strategies and instruments. An Investment Plan can be formulated using the Core Satellite approach that ensures structure, rigour, process, appropriate capital allocation and personalised risk management according to a prepared plan rather than deferring to gut […]
LICs (Listed Investment Companies) vs ETFs (Exchange Traded Funds)
The following question was asked on my Facebook page in response to a recent shared posting that I made about index investing: “Hi Gary, what are your thoughts on LIC’s as, say, opposed to ETFs for the Australian Market i.e. WHF, AFI, ARG, MLT vs VAS, STW, IOZ, VHY?” Barry, great question. And an answer […]