Why The Right Trading Mindset Is Crucial For Long-Term Success

The importance of the right trading mindset

Many new traders tend to overlook the importance of having the right trading mindset when it comes to achieving long-term success. They often get caught up in the pursuit of quick profits, only to realize after years of inconsistent results and missed opportunities that a reliable and tested system is crucial for sustainable success in […]

You Shouldn’t Invest A Cent Without A Verified Statistical Edge…

In last week’s article, I explained why timing the market is a strategy that, if set up and executed correctly, has the greatest potential to get you long-term market-beating returns. And when I talked about the must-have elements for creating such a strategy, I mentioned the “Statistical Edge.” In fact, I said that without a […]

Why You Can (And Should) Time The Market… And How To Go About It

Don’t let the financial establishment convince you the only way to profit in the stock market is to stay invested all the time. (Bonus points if you are invested with them, of course.) The “proof” they base this statement on is bogus, as I’ll show you in a moment. But before I do that, let […]

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