Maintaining a disciplined approach

Much of the educational message we deliver here at Share Wealth Systems focuses on the need to use a systematic approach to our trading and investing using a strict set of unambiguous signals to time our entry into and exit from the market. During periods of extended upward momentum in the markets many investors tend […]

Buffett and ETFs

Over the last couple of months we have been discussing at great length the many benefits of ETFs and several ways we can use them in our active investing strategies to achieve results that outperform many, if not all, of the various fund managers. The main benefits of ETFs to all investors include:- Ease of […]

What exactly is a ‘Balanced’ Super fund?

By default, the vast majority of Australians choose to invest their superannuation into “balanced funds”, because this is the default option on the application form or product selection form when they first invest with a Super fund, or begin making payments into a work related Super fund. AustralianSuper, for example, has 80% of its funds […]

Manage your own ’Balanced’ Super fund using index ETFs

Industry Super Fund, AustralianSuper is very noisy in the press regularly bagging SMSFs, talking up their returns and results, and highlighting the amount of funds they have under management. Their Balanced Fund, which has more than $65 billion under management, returned 10.86% for the 2014-15 financial year after fees and taxes. The average annual return for […]

Market Volatility – it’s Cause and the Effect on Investors

Put simply, volatility is the up and down movement of the market. It is usually measured by any deviation from how the market is expected to perform. A common analogy is that of a ship in the ocean, come volatile weather it will be thrown about as the water swells to rise and fall beneath […]

Mechanical Investment – Removing Fear from Trading

Gary Stone advocates and personally uses, a mechanical investment approach. You will often hear him talk about it in interviews, or write about it on social media. What is mechanical investing? In Gary’s Why I’m a mechanical trader post he defined mechanical investing as: ‘…using a distinct set of well defined rules which instruct the […]

Ignore ETFs at your investing peril

Despite Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) being labelled as one of the greatest innovations in global markets, their use and growth in the Australian market has been much slower than in other countries. Only now is this, in my opinion, game-changing instrument beginning to come to the attention of Australian investors. As at December 2014, there […]

ETF Investing with Buffett-like Leverage

Back on 12th March, I looked at introducing timing techniques to actively manage a portfolio of ETF’s rather than simply using a buy-and-hold approach. The 5 ETF’s included in the basket were the Mexican Bolsa, German DAX, NASDAQ 100, S&P600 Small Cap Index and NASDAQ Biotechnology Sector (ETF codes are EWW, EWG, QQQ, IJR, and […]

STW ETF outperforms all Super Funds during March 2015 Quarter

According to data published by the Australian Superannuation regulator APRA, ‘most’ Australian superfunds showed some fairly healthy returns for the March quarter of this year. The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) began publishing quarterly performance data last year on the more than 1000 MySuper products available to Australian workers. According to APRA, the best performing […]

Time the market to ensure you are out for the worst days

Gary Stone was recently interviewed by Better System Trader on why it is important to time the market – not for the best days but to ensure you are out for the worst days. You can listen to the podcast which includes: The importance of preparation before investing or trading in the share market. The […]

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